Friday, January 16, 2009

Ski Sunday - Watch this space.

Ok, here it is. Apologies for banging on about it, but this is one of THE moments I've been waiting for since we've been here - and I'm more giddy about it than she is!

Cassi's first skiing lesson (she's actually had two now). For those who can ski, she can snowplough (or make a Pizza - thanks Lise!), drag herself back up the lift, and come down again on her own with (not fully committed) turns. Yes, she falls over, but is happy enough to pick herself back up and carry on with it.

Since this shot, Luce and I have also had a lesson, so now all we need to do is find a convenient corner in which to leave Edie, and the three of us can head off and try a green run.

That's it for this update - just a quick one.

Btw, anybody reading this who wants to leave a comment - feel free. Or are we really just talking to ourselves?

Hello?, H-e-l-l-o-?

Btw 2, On the way back from our last trip, I checked inside the engine bay of the Landrover to source an odd smell emanating from that direction. Lucy, and I agree, thought it smelt a bit like burning rubber, Cass, bless her, reckoned it was more like dog's poo.

If anybody can guess what I actually found in there, I might have to devise a prize to handout...

Cassi and her tutor, zehr-i-mee, snowploughing


  1. I think it was a dolls head? How are tricks? Still living the life over the pond? The midlands is ok, work is hard and I've got far to much to do for the wedding!!!

  2. Yay for cass! turning is a difficult action to master, but hilarious for the onlookers!!
    Especially when they end up headfirst in a snowdrift a la Dené!!

